Each year Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity celebrate the jubilees of our Sisters with appropriate emphasis at the time of 25, 50, 60 and 75 years. Jubilee years are counted from the date of our first profession. Find Community Director Sister Natalie Binversie’s words to Sister Maria Casetta, Sister Mary Jane Mertens, Sister Charles Ann Champeau, Sister Marie Kolbe Zamora and Sister Veronica Schad.
Good morning on this joyous occasion of great celebrations. Today is the Feast of Pentecost, the Birthday of the Church! What a wonderful day to celebrate the Jubilees of our Sisters who professed the Vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience 75 and 25 years ago!
Congratulations to the Wellsprings of Hope: Sister Maria Casetta and Sister Mary Jane Mertens who celebrate your 75th Jubilee! Celebrating with you are 15 classmates who have joined the Communion of Saints: Sister Ronald Held, Sister Anne Brochtrup, Sister Jean Heppler, Sister Blanche Bilodeau, Sister Janet Tess, Sister John Bosco McKee, Sister Martin Flavin, Sister Mary Dolores Meyer, Sister Mary Kevin Mitchka, Sister Mary Regis Traubert, Sister Mary Angela Micke, Sister Mark Szczepanik, Sister Constantine Fabian, Sister Kristin Pollak, and Sister Mary Veronica Gressel. We know that they are with us here today and interceding for all the needs of the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity.
It has become a tradition in the past few years to honor the Sisters celebrating their 75th Jubilee by giving a donation to a charity of their choice. This year Sister Mary Jane has chosen Peter’s Pantry which is a supplemental food pantry that distributes perishable and non-perishable food to those in need. Sister Maria’s choice is The Crossing which is a non-profit organization whose primary concern is for children, enabling parents to better provide for, nurture and give value to their families. Thank you Sister Mary Jane and Sister Maria for witnessing this outreach to the poor and the less fortunate.
Special congratulations to the Spouses of the Holy Spirit who celebrate 25 years of Vowed commitment: Sister Charles Ann Champeau, Sister Marie Kolbe Zamora and Sister Veronica Schad. Your title is a reminder of the Holy Spirit’s dynamic presence in your life and in the life of the Church. In the Eucharistic celebration this afternoon we will hear about the first Pentecost. It was the time when the followers of Jesus were called to realize their potential. The disciples found the ability to leave the security of their upper room and head down into the market place to share the Gospel message of Jesus. When the Holy Spirit came they were able to act in the power of God. That was your call and continues to be the call for all of us to be missionary disciples of the New Evangelization.
Thank you to all the Jubilarians for your witness as a Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity. You are assured of our prayers. Enjoy this day with Community, family and friends. God bless you!