Franciscan Sister Professes First Vows

Sister JulieAnn Sheahan

June 25, 2018

Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Sister Natalie Binversie shares her breakfast comments to Sister Mary Teresa on her First Profession of Vows. Later at 2 p.m., the Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist Sunday liturgy was celebrated with her public profession of vows with clergy, Community and family present. We will be sharing more pictures and a podcast in the near future of this graced moment for our Church.

Good morning, Sister Mary Teresa and everyone present for this momentous day, celebrating your First Profession of Vows. Sister Mary Teresa, this occasion was in God’s plan from the beginning of time. The day of your birth, August 3, 1993 was followed by another significant event, your Baptism on September 5, 1993. God had a significant role for you to fulfill in your life. God called and you responded. Today you publically profess your “Yes” to God. Through your profession of the Evangelical Counsels of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience, you are proclaiming in your own words that, “Religious Consecration is Baptismal Consecration lived more deeply.”

The title that you chose at the time of your Reception was “Daughter Zion.” The model for you to look to in order to embrace and live this title is Mary, the Mother of God. She is Mother, Daughter and Spouse. She is the model of perfect relationship. She is the model for the baptized, the model for all religious, especially for consecrated women religious.Today we also celebrate the Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. The Scripture readings for the Liturgy this afternoon will be a sacred reminder of what needs to be born in each person’s life every day which include:

  • Someone who leaps with joy before the presence of the Lord making us want to live our relationship with Jesus with greater ardor and fervor.
  • Someone to prepare the way of the Lord and to give us knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of sins.
  • Someone who turns attention away from distractions and preconceptions so that we will behold the Lamb of God as the true desire of each heart.
  • Someone who models that there is no greater joy in life than for Jesus to increase and for me to decrease, especially as regards self-reliance, self-assertion and self –importance.
  • Someone who is a burning and shining lamp whose radiance gives light to one’s path and courage to one’s heart, making each of us want to live for others.
  • Someone committed to the truth that we are willing to lay down our life for the Truth-become-flesh, Jesus Himself, witnessing that all true happiness comes through sacrifice.
    -Father Peter John Cameron, O.P.

St. John the Baptist prepared the way and continually pointed to Jesus. This is the message of the Liturgy today. Sister Mary Teresa, by living your life as a Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity you will follow the example of St. Francis of Assisi who showed us how to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. You are assured of our prayers for the grace of perseverance and we pray that you will see this example in each of your Sisters in Community as we together will carry out the work of John the Baptist to prepare the way for the Lord. Welcome to our Community! Along with your Sisters, family and friends, enjoy the many blessings of this day!



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