During this month of June, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity feature Blessed Yolanda of Hungary. Her life is proof that it is possible to grow up in a family of saints. She was surrounded by the modeling of Christian virtue in her sisters, Margaret and Kinga (Cunegunda) who are canonized saints. Her paternal aunt, Franciscan St. Elizabeth of Hungary, is also acclaimed for her holiness.
She was the daughter of Bela IV, King of Hungary and her mother, Mary, the daughter of the Greek emperor of Constantinople. Her elder sister, Kinga (Cunigunda), wife of the duke of Poland, guided Yolanda’s education.
She, too, married royalty, the duke of Greater Poland. She and her husband built hospitals, convents, and churches. Together they did good and did what was pleasing to God.
After his death and after two of her daughters were married, Yolanda and her daughter Anna followed the call to be Poor Clares, a life devoted to prayer and penance.
St. Yolanda is truly a saint for families. She and her whole household desired to be saints. We pray for all families as they make loving God and neighbor a priority for life. We also pray for religious communities, that they may be faithful in bringing others to Christ. St. Yolanda, pray for us.