One Convent Schedule during the Pandemic Crisis

Web Admin

March 23, 2020

At this time of pandemic crisis Franciscan Sister Sharon Paul shares on new convent routines at St. Benedict Convent, Cambridge, Ohio.

The day began with a gorgeous God-given sunrise. (We are making efforts to be aware of spring that is happening outside and inside us, and thus, breathing in creations fresh air as often as we can.

We are watching Mass through the blessing of technology. It helps feed our need to pray for the whole world. Spiritual communion is real.

We go about multiple tasks e.g. Sister June Smith made pitzels. Sister Sharon Paul made phone calls to home-bound and designed and made cards for our Sisters who will be celebrating significant anniversaries of profession this year. Sister Carol Juckum and Sister Helen Marie Paul worked on  quilts for others.

Now, that this will be a longer period of being home-bound, we are praying Stations of the Cross in our chapel along with the Liturgy of the Hours. More creative ideas are forthcoming as we discuss Holy Week.

Article Comments:

Sister Anne Marie Lom 03/23/2020 @ 11:18 am

Thank you, Sisters. Wise and helpful hints!


Sister Jan 03/29/2020 @ 3:36 pm

Hello Cambridge friends. We in Green Bay are using our time for prayer, work and fun. The prayer is watching Mass online like you do plus divine office and personal prayer. The work is spring cleaning our huge convent. Each day we tackle a room from top to bottom. The fun is card games, puzzles, movies, reading and visting with each other.


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