Franciscan Sister Encourages Kindness to Bring World Light

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January 24, 2021

Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Pam Biehl shares a message of sharing kindness to bring some light to our world. Sister Pam is Pastoral Leader at St. Mary, Omro, Wisconsin and St. Mary, Winneconne, Wisconsin. In the second video Sister Pam reads the children’s book Share Some Kindness, Bring Some Light by Apryl Stott. Permission was given by the author and publisher Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers.


Article Comments:

Sister Anne Marie Lom 01/24/2021 @ 11:30 am

This is a beautiful and simple message so needed today and every day. Thank you for posting this.


Sister Delores Wisnicky 01/24/2021 @ 7:12 pm

Beautiful, Sr. Pam, for kindness can begin the healing. Thank you…


Sr. Sharon Paul, O.S.F. 01/26/2021 @ 5:06 am

Thank you, Sr. Pamela, for this meditation on kindness. To me, kindness, can bring LIGHT to others & it helps them on their “journey” in life to holiness. It’s worth activating kindness daily.


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