Franciscan Sisters Serve Salvatorian Warehouse From Home

Web Admin

February 16, 2021

For years, some of the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity have gone faithfully once a week to help out at the Salvatorian Warehouse in New Holstein, Wisconsin. COVID 19 put that charitable ministry on hold. Since we could not go to the Warehouse, the Warehouse came to us.

The Sisters have been receiving items and preparing them for shipment for several months. More Sisters at Saint Francis Convent were invited to volunteer with this project.

Our Sisters are moved by joy in knowing they are part of a project that makes a real and visible difference in the lives of those in need.  We are grateful to be part of ministry supported by the Salvatorian Priests, Brothers, Sisters, and Lay People that sends containers of goods in Missions around the world. 40′ shipping containers filled with food, clothing, medical goods, and more are received at dozens of missions in 14 countries.

Article Comments:

Sr. Sharon Paul, O.S.F. 02/16/2021 @ 6:26 pm

Wonderful, Sisters! Am so glad that the Salvatorian Warehouse comes to YOU. Just think, you are helping dozens of missions in 14 countries! The Lord bless all the world peoples who will profit from your labors! Keep up the dedicated MINISTRY!


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