Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity highlight the Diocese of Charlotte’s resources available during this Year of St. Joseph. You may find something helpful to your spiritual life especially if you are drawn to art.
Bishop Peter Joseph Jugis announced that the Diocese of Charlotte will celebrate the “Year of St. Joseph” from January 1, 2020 to May 1, 2021 to commemorate the 150th anniversary of St. Joseph being solemnly declared Patron of the Catholic Church by Pope Pius IX in his decree Quemadmodum Deus.
Additionally, the Holy See has proclaimed 2021 the Year of St. Joseph for the Universal Church.
“Throughout the year we strive to honor St. Joseph as the guardian and protector of the Church and her faithful with heartfelt prayer and devotion, encouraging all to take his virtuous life as our model for fulfilling our personal vocation to holiness.”
“Let us ask St. Joseph to intercede for us, to obtain God’s blessing on us as we make our way in life this year.” — Bishop Peter Jugis
“As a spiritually fruitful way to celebrate the Year of St. Joseph, we encourage the faithful to make a pilgrimage to the many parishes and chapels named for St. Joseph across the Diocese of Charlotte. For this purpose, the official Year of St. Joseph Prayer Book —with a forward written by Bishop Jugis—is now available for purchase.”
Sacred Artwork
Resources are plentiful on this page. Sacred Artwork – Year of St. Joseph