Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity are offering on July 21-22 a Zoom Discernment of Spirits Retreat for young women ages 20-35 who are discerning a call from God or a career direction. If the weekend is a better time for you, there is also a July 23-24 option. Sister Jacqueline Spaniola presents St. Ignatius of Loyola’s Rules for Discernment which have been helpful to many others for making wise and holy decisions. Learn more here: FSCC_JulyRetreat_D1
Here’s what past participants have said was helpful about the experience.
- I found the Talk on the Rules Set 1: 1-14, Talk on the Rules Set 2: 1-8, Private spiritual direction, Talk on Method of Discerning God’s Will, Time to use the Journal and to reflect on the talks helpful.
- I appreciated the private spiritual direction, the talk on Method of Discerning God’s Will, time to use the Journal and to reflect on the talks.
- Having the time discernment journal to reflect and pray with, the booklet to go through guiding questions and time to reflect and journaling was wonderful
- It was helpful to have the booklets on paper as it allowed me to review the rules and to write notes about them as Sister Jacqueline talked. I enjoyed learning about the practicality of the rules as they will help me discern in the future. It was also helpful for me to use the rules to look at my past and evaluate how I responded to the times of consolation and desolation in my life.
- The spiritual direction time
Sister Jacqueline does provide helpful handouts. Once we receive your registration, you are sent all needed materials.
We invite you to register at: Vocation Retreat Registration
Article Comments:
SR CATHERINE GILLES 06/13/2021 @ 9:08 am
Just thank you to Sister Jacqueline for providing this service. I am grateful the entire Community as sisters who are able to make such good use of this world wide web! Thank you sisters!