While Standing by the Flag by Franciscan Sisters

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July 19, 2021

Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity wrote the poem ‘While Standing by the Flag’ for July 4, 2021. It was read at the morning flag raising ceremony. It’s message is timely for our reflection each day as we strive to live as Christians.

While Standing by the Flag

In this year of so much sickness

In this year of so much pain

We gather together around this flag

United as sisters, together again

God bless America,

The land that we love.

A country in transition

A country trying not to be in division,

But united as one people under God


So many causes to be aware of

Immigrants searching for a better life

Cultures being misunderstood and attacked

Shootings, oh the shootings Lord,

Let them end,

May the only weapon we carry be Your Word of life,

And our differences be something to celebrate.


Let this land be where God comforts His people,

Where God lets the oppressed go free

And heals the brokenhearted,

The brokenness in each one of us.

The brokenness that brings us to our knees

Praising you today as we gather round this flag.

Article Comments:

Sister Sharon Paul, O.S.F. 07/21/2021 @ 6:04 am

Thank you, Sr. Cecilia Joy & Sr. Maria Guadalupe for the timely poem on our flag. I used it as a “STARTER” for my meditation this morning. YES, may we RETURN to our American values as our forefathers lived & practiced through Our Lord Jesus Christ!


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