Respecting all of life, Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Mariella Erdmann illustrates the Canticle of the Creatures so as to encourage us to celebrate the virtues that were so vibrantly alive in the life of St. Francis of Assisi. These depictions were unveiled at Transitus on October 3, 2021 at our Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Motherhouse, Holy Family Convent, Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Please find here an antiphon from the prayer service that accompanies the picture.
Oh Brother Sun and Sister Moon and Stars, brighten our way. Enkindle charity’s light within us.
O Brothers Wind and Air breathe and blow within us. Bring the freshness of a humble heart where pride has made us stale.
Oh Sister Water and all you rains, gently wash over our stubborn hearts. Make us like the tides and currents, obedient to the rhythms of the Divine.
Oh Brother Fire, light up the night of sadness. Lead us in the dance of joy.
Oh our sister, Mother Earth, bedazzle us with the diversity of design in all of creation. Inspire us to translate each of nature’s wonders into a fingerprint of God.
Oh Sister Death, let us befriend your power. May our willingness to welcome poverty be the doorway that leads us to welcome you.
We praise you God of Creation for Sister Death.
We ask you to loosen our grasp on material things. Make us poor and empty, so as to make room for the things of heaven. Amen! Amen!
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