Franciscan Sister Renee Mirkes on Pope Francis’ Christus Vivit

Web Admin

October 17, 2021

Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sr. Renee Mirkes, OSF is director of the Center for NaProEthics [the ethics division of the Pope Paul VI Institute, Omaha, NE]. She reflects on the vocation dimension of Pope Francis’ “Chistus Vivit”. Sr. Renee received her masters degree in moral theology from the University of St. Thomas, Houston, TX and her doctorate in theological ethics from Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI). In her current position, she focuses on procreative and birth ethics through consultations, publications, and public speaking. To these commitments Sister Renée brings experience in clinical ethics as well as broad experience in bioethics. She has published articles in The Journal of Philosophy and Medicine; Ethics & Medics; New Blackfriars; The Thomist; Linacre Quarterly; The American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly; Catholic Answer; Our Sunday Visitor; The NaProEthics Forum; National Catholic Bioethics Center Quarterly; Ethics and Medicine, Catholic World Report and The Catholic Response. Since1869, we’ve followed our Franciscan charism to serve in Catholic Health Care, Education, Campus Ministry and Parish-Community Service throughout the United States. From Missions on Dioceses in Arizona, to the Dioceses of Lincoln and Omaha; from Columbus and Steubenville, to Missouri, Wisconsin and Michigan. Our newest sisters in formation have joined us from Michigan, Wisconsin, Colorado, North Carolina and Texas.


Did you miss Part One? It can be viewed here: Pope Francis’ Christus Vivit – A presentation by Sr Renee Mirkes Part 1 – YouTube

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