Franciscan Sisters Continue to Tell the Christmas Story

Sister JulieAnn Sheahan

January 06, 2022

As Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity nearing the Baptism of the Lord, it is good to keep singing the songs that call to mind the Christmas miracle. Our Sisters  in St. Rita Health Center began this singing by presenting a tremendous Christmas GIFT to the Sisters living at the Motherhouse on Christmas day in St. Mary’s Chapel at 2:00 p.m. They very skillfully re-enacted the Bethlehem story – “The Birth of Jesus.” The St. Rita Sisters’ Choir sang their best while leading all the traditional Christmas Songs. 

Some of the St. Rita Sisters were honored to serve as performers for this presentation, serving as actors and speakers. The St. Rita Sister Team caught the Sisters excitement and joy at each practice and in particular, the dress rehearsal. Yes, “Jesus Is the Reason for the Season!” And, our Sisters of St. Rita’s wanted all to celebrate the coming of Jesus in each of our lives.  They prayed with open and joyous hearts for our whole Community and the world.

One can not help but wonder how many Christmas programs these dear Sisters put on in their teaching years—how many angel wings, beards, and costumes they fixed on so many angels, shepherds, kings, Mary’s and Joseph’s. May the story live in our hearts long after we celebrate the Baptism of our Lord this Sunday.


Article Comments:

Sister Sharon Paul, O.S.F. 01/06/2022 @ 12:07 pm

What an interesting and creative rendition of the Christmas Story AND in our very own decorative St. Mary’s Chapel. YES, I agree what you say about how many Sisters HAVE reenacted the same story with their students numerous times & it NEVER gets OLD.

I’m sure the Sisters who have gone before us had a peek of this presentation. THANKS to all those who had a hand in this spiritual presentation!


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