Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Mary Ann Spanjers and Franciscan Friars at San Xavier Mission shares a recent experience of prayer at St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church, Tucson, Arizona.
I had the opportunity to join some of the Friars in attending Mass this morning at St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church here in Tucson to pray with and for the people of Ukraine. The Pastor, Fr. Nick Kostyk welcomed us warmly asking us to thank all who are praying for them. We were given a book with the liturgy of St John Chrysostom written in Ukrainian and English. The singing was beautiful, Father Nick’s homily so inspiring, he quoted their Bishop saying, “For us this war is a problem, but not for God. Jesus holds the world in his hand and will bring good from this. Where there is darkness and evil people look for light…”
At the end of the Mass there was a prayer of forgiveness, Fr. Nick invited the people to look at where each of us needs to be forgiven and to come forward, look into the eyes of the deacon, the young boys who were serving, himself and each other to hear the words of one asking forgiveness and to forgive one another. He went on to say that humility and forgiveness are what God uses for our conversion. He reflected on what must have happened in the life of young Vladimir Putin to bring him to this point? God works through individuals who open their hearts and turn to each other.
This was a very moving Liturgy, so many people thanked us for joining them. I relayed that all our Sisters are praying for them and for peace.
Article Comments:
Sister Anne Marie Lom 02/28/2022 @ 8:28 am
Thank you for sharing this. Where one in our Community is; we all are in Spirit and Unity. Praying for the people of Ukraine!
Sr. Sharon Paul, O.S.F. 03/01/2022 @ 5:16 am
We can’t even begin to imagine the burdens that the Ukrainian people are carrying so thank you for being a part in praying & in solidarity with them. We pray: Prince of Peace please stop all wars!