Recently, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity were blessed to celebrate the patronal feast of St. Ann Parish, St. Anna, Wisconsin. All in attendance were reminded of the consecration of the current brick block church in 1895. The majestic building is located on the peak of the largest hill in the town and easily seen by any passerby. To better accommodate the crowd, an outdoor tent Mass was held at St. Ann Park.
Our Music Outreach Group, which includes Sister Anne Turba and Sister Elaine Turba whose families have long called this area of the state of Wisconsin home, were honored to accept this invitation. Songs were chosen to focus on the Scripture Readings of the Sunday and allowed for participation by all. Fr. Carl Diederichs, a priest from the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, presided.
St. Anna is located at the edge of an area in eastern Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, known as “The Holyland”, so called because of the large number of neighboring faith communities having religious names including St. Peter, St. Cloud, Marytown, Mount Calvary, Johnsburg, Calvary, Brothertown and Jericho. As the faithful arrived bringing their own lawn chairs it was inspiring to witness the value of family life and neighborhood ties.
Following Mass, prime rib sandwich, grilled hamburger or Johnsonville brat dinners were served in the pavilion. There was also a buffet of plentiful salads and desserts to enjoy with good conversation and welcomed summer breezes. It felt like home.