Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Postulant Michelle Ozuna from Austin, Texas, reports a SEEK23 miracle in St. Louis, Missouri. Among the 17, 000 young adults during this five day conference, Michelle witnessed this happening.
Something pretty amazing happened while at SEEK. After praying in Adoration. I stepped out to capture a picture of our Blessed Mother and all the knotted prayer intentions left for her.
I noticed a group praying the rosary in a circle and felt moved to pray along the side of them. When I opened my eyes, they had opened their circle and motioned for me to join them. We finished out the rosary so beautifully. Then I asked where they were from, and to my surprise, they were all from my home state of Texas!
Even more poignant, they were from two rivaling universities, the University of Texas and Texas A&M! I love how our Blessed mother brings us together in prayer, we are all one family! Hook-em Horns and Gig-em Aggies!
Article Comments:
Sister Anne Marie Lom 01/14/2023 @ 9:25 am
Thank you for sharing this, Michelle! I’m grateful you could be a part of this miracle of rivals praying together!