Franciscan Sister Reflects on Initial Formation Weekend

Sister JulieAnn Sheahan

February 05, 2023

Temporary Professed Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Concepcion Medina writes about a recent Initial Formation Weekend held at the Motherhouse.

“Be not afraid, I go before you always. Come follow me, and I will give you rest” (John Michael Talbot). Traveling to Wisconsin in January may see crazy to some, but for us it was a bit like the Magi following the star. All of us in formation were being called home to the place of our beginnings in this Community. Sister Maria Guadalupe and I (Sister Concepción) drove back from West Point, Nebraska. As we crossed over the Iowa state line into Wisconsin, my heart rejoiced because it felt that it was closer to home. The anticipation of arriving grew as the hours passed and the last hour was grueling but a deep peace and sense or rest settled over us as we arrived at the big house on Alverno Road.

Our weekend together (Jan. 13-15) was one to remember. Though we were missing one of our comrades, Sister Catherine Peter was with us in spirit and was remembered throughout the weekend. Our first night together was very delightful. After catching up and eating supper, we watched the movie The Way and then reflected on it and discussed the movies message. It was a very good movie and I think it impacted each of us in a different way, but it was the message that was intended for each of us this weekend. Ideas that stood out about the movie were about having companions on the journey, the journey of life, the journey of faith, the journey of healing, and of the journey never quite being what you expected it to be or what you intended to do.

In addition to the many spiritual graces and blessings, we, in formation, were able to have a generous amount of fun. We had fun whacking a candy vessel, also known as a piñata. We had a muffin baking contest, the winner of said contest varies depending on who you ask. There was also a riveting game of Ka-Blab that was squeezed into the weekend. The weekend revealed that at least three out of the four of us may or may not be sore losers. It was an absolute blessing to be able to come together again, and to be home. I am so thankful to all those who aided in making formation weekend special and I am thankful for all my Sisters. Thank you for your fidelity and for saying yes to God.


Article Comments:

Sister Mary Frances Maher 02/06/2023 @ 3:49 pm

So goood to see all of you and rejoice in your spirit of community!


Fr. Placid Stroik, OFM 02/13/2023 @ 9:40 am

companions on the journey. how blessed with faithful companions. a community


Fr. Placid Stroik, OFM 02/14/2023 @ 9:22 am

a new day to say yes again to God.


Fr. Placid Stroik, OFM 02/16/2023 @ 11:04 am

Rainbows mean God is with us today, tomorrow and forever. Rainbows mean God keeps the Covenant and we little waves never fear because we are all part of the one same ocean.


Placid STROIK 02/21/2023 @ 9:16 pm

Viewing and hearing the joy and enthusiasm of the formation gathering Sisters brings to mind the words of Carl Philips: ” I think the best communities don’t just provide support, but include, too, an understanding that support works in both directions, and that those who choose to be part of a community won’t just receive but give support back, not as a duty but as unforced and instinctive–as respect and compassion should be–as love itself.” page 90 My Trade is Mystery, c 2022


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