Franciscan Sister Maria Guadalupe reflects on her recent mission experience to West Point, Nebraska.
My mission experience was really enjoyable. I got to spend time with my friend, Sister Concepción Medina. She took me to the Franciscan Healthcare facility in West Point, Nebraska where she works as a registered nurse and introduced me to her coworkers. I got to see her in action. I saw how patiently and joyfully she treated her patients and I learned a lot from her about how to persevere in our vocation. She, also, took me to the fire station where she volunteers as a first responder. During her free time, we went to the park and in town where she showed me around. It is important to balance work with a bit of leisure time. I appreciated spending time with Sister Elizabeth Ann Miller. She took me to Central High School and introduced me to all the students and teachers. I truly enjoyed interacting with the little ones at the grade school. By interacting with the students, I learned that no matter the age they always respond well when treated with care and respect.
Sister Louise Hembrecht showed me the Villa Assisted Living and St. Joseph Nursing Home. She introduced me to the staff and residents. Sister Patricia Linssen was so kind as to sit with me and some of the residents to get to know them. Talking to the residents enriched me by learning about the legacy of the Sisters in the area and how it has impacted so many people over the years. I observed Sister Joy Rose, director of Mission, giving a presentation to the employees on the St. Damiano Cross and how it connects to the mission of Franciscan Healthcare. On Sunday
I had the opportunity to go to the Spanish Mass at the local Parish. I appreciate all the kindness of the Sisters at West Point as well as the hospitality of all the people I met along the way.
Sister Patricia, Sister Concepción and I drove back to the Motherhouse for the formation weekend. On our way there, we shared stories and experiences together. This was also a great trip and I looked forward to an enriching weekend. During the weekend I spent time with the Sisters in formation and had a lot of spiritual enrichment experiences.
Article Comments:
Sister Sharon Paul, O.S.F. 03/03/2023 @ 6:45 am
Sr. Maria Guadalupe, am so happy that you had varied experiences with our Sisters in West Point, NE. It is a good place to see health care, the Catholic grade school & high school, the assisted living & the nursing home all at ONE place. The people there are very welcoming. Of course, your added joy was interacting with your friend, Sr. Concepcion. God’s Lenten blessings to ALL!