Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity are excited to offer this retreat to Young Adult Catholic Women who are taking steps forward and rising to the promise God plans for them. Now is the time to register.
This one-hour retreat is designed to help you identify misapprehensions and misconceptions about your plans and life ahead, through realistic and relevant Catholic spiritual practices and insight.
Wisdom from Franciscan Saints will also inform the retreat, along with prayer and blessing for your journey ahead.
Participants will be welcome to follow up with questions.
6:30 PM CST on May 23.
Women who are ready to chart a course or recalibrate their intended plans are welcome to register at: Vocation Discernment Events – Franciscan Sisters (
“I first felt called to be a sister when I was in third grade…but I had NO idea how to go about this. So when I was a senior in college approaching graduation, I was somewhat confused as to how to pursue this call. One of the beautiful things I discovered is that if God calls you, HE takes care of it. I was invited on a discernment retreat with our community over Valentine’s Weekend, and that is when I had the most profound experience of God in my entire life, and I knew I was called to be a Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity. The amount of peace and joy that came with it made it unmistakable that this was God’s doing.” – Sister Mary Teresa Bettag
Article Comments:
Sister Anne Marie Lom 05/16/2023 @ 11:35 am
What a great photo of our Sister graduate. I look forward to facilitating this retreat!