Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Community Director Sister Natalie Binversie congratulates our Sisters celebrating their 50th and 60th anniversaries of Profession of Vows at a special Motherhouse Sunday breakfast on June 25, 2023. We share her comments here. Sister Jubilarians invited their families and friends for an afternoon Community Eucharistic Liturgy followed by a meal.
Good morning on this Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time! Once again, this is not an ordinary Sunday. We come to celebrate the Echoes of the Word on their Diamond Jubilee of 60 years: Sister Anne Marie Selinsky, Sister Janet Rose, Sister Mary Lou Loonsfoot, Sister Michael Ann O’Donnell, Sister Nancy Kinate and Sister Patricia Linssen. Three Echoes of the Word have concluded their earthly life and are remembered in spirit, Sister Mary Carla Loonsfoot (2009), Sister Delia Gaber (2021) and Sister Jane Marie Loderbauer (2022). We pray that they have eternal rest and we trust that they continue to intercede for us. We also celebrate the Flame of Life, Sister Kathryn Klackner, on her Golden Jubilee of 50 years!
Every day we have an opportunity to look back and reflect on the blessings we have received.
At the time of a Jubilee, we have a more focused intention to ponder all the significant events that have brought us to this day of celebration. These events include the challenges, the difficult moments and the joyful situations that aided us in our personal growth as well as Community life.
The Scripture readings for the Mass this afternoon remind us that we are not the first person to experience challenges and blessings. The prophet, Jeremiah, in the First Reading tells of the terror he experienced, yet remained faithful knowing that the Lord was with him. Jeremiah entrusted all to the Lord and praised the Lord, who in His great love answered and rescued him.
The Gospel reading from St. Matthew instructs us to fear no one. We are reminded that God knows us so well that every hair on our head is counted. Jesus tells us that we are prized and loved, worth more than many sparrows!
When you received the Sacrament of Baptism, you were claimed by God and called to walk in the light. The Echoes of the Word were commissioned to speak truth and goodness from the housetops. During your years of service in the Church, through your various ministries as a Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity, you have been faithful to doing just that. Not literally from the housetops, but figuratively wherever God placed you, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, in order to further the Kingdom. Sister Kay, as the Flame of Life, you have been called to be the light that shines through the darkness to be a leader for others on the Way!
Thank you for saying “yes” to answer the call to be a Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity. Congratulations! Enjoy this day of celebration with your Sisters, your family and your friends!
Article Comments:
Fr. Placid Stroik, OFM 07/03/2023 @ 8:57 pm
the smiles of jubilation keep me singing: “My life flows on in endless song: above earth’s lamentations/jubilations. I hear the real though far off hymn that hails a new creation.”
What a gift ….. Jubilarians living the “new creation” thank you
Fr. Placid Stroik, OFM 07/06/2023 @ 7:23 pm
The Joy of Jubilation lingers.