News on St. Paul VI NaProTechnology and Fertility Care

Sister JulieAnn Sheahan

July 03, 2023

Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Renee Mirkes, ethicist at St. Paul VI Institute, Omaha, Nebraska, introduces us to the NaPro Surgeons class #15.

I’ll be honest. I tell every class of NaProSurgeons they’re my favorite class. But this year I really mean it. These two OB/Gyns—just completing their six-month ethics seminar with me and rounding off their 2022-2023 year of surgical fellowship with our NaPro Clinicians—are just marvelous people, personally and professionally. It’s been an absolute joy discussing JPII’s Theology of the Body and relevant ethics issues with them. And, the learning process has been a two-way street. They were like thirsty plants drinking the philosophy/theology in, and I was the beneficiary of their medical expertise. To my delight, they’ve turned into great armchair philosophers. Dr. Monika Potocki (right) will set up her NaPro surgical practice in New Jersey and Dr. Katie O’Leary (left) will be practicing in Indiana. Please keep both of them in your prayers, since current practice of obstetrics and gynecology is chucked full of pressures to conform to models of healthcare delivery that are morally shy of the mark.

Recently, physicians and healthcare providers from fourteen U.S. states and just about the same number representing foreign countries (e.g., Portugal, Germany, France, Brazil, Nigeria) were (1) elated to complete the second phase of their educational training of NaProtechnology and FertilityCare in Omaha and (2) eager to teach and apply their medical training in their home clinics/hospitals. During phase one (October) and two (April) of our educational conference, I am a part of a fifteen-member faculty and have the privilege of lecturing on ethics issues throughout the course of the week. The current class was an absolute joy making the experience a really substantive exchange. Pictured here are three faculty members–from left to right, first row: Theresa Shortgen (PA), Anne Marie St. Germaine (VT), Alia Keys (MO) end of second row–and two students (right to left)–Pamela Olanie, (OB/Gyn from ID) and Katherine Ross (NP from Green Bay).


Article Comments:

Sister Jan Villemure 07/03/2023 @ 5:37 am

We visited the Gianna Molla clinic here in Green Bay where we met three who knew you, Sister Renee. They trained at Paul VI. Thanks for all you do.


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