As we look to National Vocation Awareness Week and celebrate with all the saints, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity share an All Saints Podcast on ‘Ordinary Holiness’ by Fr. David Neuschwander. Father is a priest of the Diocese of Superior, pastor of parishes at St. Ann, Cable, St. Joseph, Hayward, St. Ignatius, New Post, St. Francis Solanus, Reserve, and St. Philip, Stone Lake. (photos provided by Kate Ross)
“Holiness isn’t the call of a select few, it is the ordinary call of every Christian – it’s the norm! Everyone in heaven is a saint. Saints aren’t angels, they’re survivors, with their own shares of difficulties and joys in this life, but who turned to Jesus again and again and again. Want a direct path to genuine holiness, follow St. Therese’s Little Way, simply ask throughout the day, ‘What’s the right thing to do in this moment?’”
Click here to listen to the podcast.