Are you a young adult Catholic Woman seeking guidance in decision-making? Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity offer you this special mostly silent retreat on March 15-17, 2024 at our Motherhouse, 2409 S. Alverno Road, Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Led by Sister Jacqueline Spaniola, the Discernment of Spirits Retreat offers insight to discern how the Holy Spirit speaks to you and informs and inspires intentional life decisions.
Sister Jacqueline is currently the Pastoral Associate Minister at St Albert the Great University Parish at Michigan Technological University in Houghton MI. As Sr Jackie explained “The Retreats are based on Discernment of Spirits – St. Ignatius’ twenty-two rules for discerning a calling and understanding God’s will in one’s life. Young women said ‘if it’s a quiet retreat I will go’ and I think young people in their twenties and early thirties are seeing that they need that quiet that the society is not giving them. They just want some quiet time to really reflect on what God is asking them to do.”
Find out how to register here or plan a visit to Holy Family Convent, Motherhouse of the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity. Call or text Sister Julie Ann at 920-323-9632.