Santa Clara University Sacred Theology Student Interviewed by Franciscan Sister

Sister JulieAnn Sheahan

April 02, 2024

Franciscan Sister Pam Biehl interviews Transitional Deacon and Jesuit Scholastic Christopher Alt from the Diocese of Green Bay… Discernment… Catechesis… what it means to become of a Jesuit Order Priest… learning how to serve the faithful… “vocation, while it’s deeply personal, it’s never private.” Deacon Christopher is a student at Jesuit School of Theology Santa Clara University, California.




Article Comments:

Sister Anne Marie Lom 04/02/2024 @ 6:17 am

It was thrilling to hear Christopher’s story/journey of faith and call/vocation. I look forward to his ordination and continued service to our Church and beyond!


Steve Kuper 04/02/2024 @ 7:27 am

Thank you for a beautiful interview. Truly inspirational. I’ve long been a fan of SJ’s and their values, mission etc. Help me understand WHY this incredible future priest’s profile is not on the GB Diocese seminarian’s list. So very sad. Are only certain types of seminarians, priests to be recognized? so tragic. But thank you for your interview and sharing with a few followers.


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