Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity were invited to Sacred Heart Parish, Appleton, Wisconsin to lead the music at their recent 4:30 p.m. Saturday evening Eucharist. Pastor Father John Kleinschmidt welcomed us as part of their Parish Fest weekend.
Mary Delfosse and the Parish Fest Committee sent us this message: “Thank you for sharing your music and song with the parish of Sacred Heart, Appleton. We are blessed and enriched in our sharing of the Eucharist with all of you.”
Needless to say, we felt equally gifted with special memories of this faith community. There were cloud bursts on the road to Appleton, but each time we needed to move instruments the rain drops stopped. Singing was strong during the liturgy. Father John’s Eucharistic homily on John’s Gospel was especially inspiring. The double rainbow on the picnic grounds was a great closing for a perfect day of sharing and the promise of many blessings to come for all we met. We could pray with these words from our daily morning prayer: “How holy this feast in which Christ is our food. His passion is recalled. Grace fills our hearts and we receive a pledge of the glory to come.”
Article Comments:
Sister Mary Ann Tupy 08/18/2024 @ 7:05 pm
Thank you Sisters for sharing your musical talent.
Fr. Placid Stroik, OFM 08/21/2024 @ 12:28 am
to sing is to pray twice:
words and melody;
the mind and the heart;
thinking and longing