As we near the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity celebrate Franciscan connections to this Marian apparition. Indeed, the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe is deeply intertwined with Bishop Juan de Zumárraga, OFM. That a follower of St. Francis of Assisi be the first bishop of Mexico and chosen to assist 0ur Blessed Mother is no coincidence.
God in his providence called Franciscans to baptize the Native Peoples. Juan Diego belonged to the Cuauhtlatoa tribe and was born twelve miles from Tenochtitlan, Mexico. It was in 1529 that he and his wife were evangelized by the brown robed men who respected their culture and baptized them. The friars believed that eventually priests would come from the people themselves to administer the sacraments. Thus, they translated essential religious documents into local dialects. Amphitheaters were built that allowed many more people to gather at one time.
After our Lady appeared to Juan Diego, he immediately went to the Bishop’s residence. Bishop Zumárraga was approachable, but also clearly discerning on this visitor’s message. He asked that he come back again to talk. Humble as he was, Juan returned to Tepeyac Hill to tell the woman that she should consider someone else to deliver her message about a chapel to be built. The rest is history. Bishop Zumárraga eventually had another meeting with Juan where roses fell from the tilma and revealed the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe as we know it today.
As we near the celebration of the 800th year of the Canticle of Creation, it is with new eyes that we hear this hill-top summit story. Nature’s secret found in the arrangement of flowers and the stars symbolizing the sky pictured in this simple tilma are certainly treasured symbols of God’s love. That someone with St. Francis of Assisi’s vision was to affirm Our Lady’s presence hidden in the beauty of this image makes sense. A heart that could praise God’s fingerprints in everything, would most likely be open to the wonder of this exquisite sign from heaven. May Franciscans continue to witness this spirit that testifies to the miraculous among us.
Is God calling you to draw closer to His mother? Consider the last year in your life. Is God calling you to walk with others in need of love and compassion? We invite you.
Article Comments:
Sister Anne Marie Lom 12/12/2024 @ 6:18 am
Thank you, for this very enlightening article! I did not know that the bishop was a Franciscan.