Franciscan Sisters Texas Novice’s Seek 2025 Insights

Sister JulieAnn Sheahan

February 01, 2025

Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Novice Sister Michelle Marie Ozuna reflects on the January 1-5 SEEK2025 Conference in Salt Lake City, UT. It’s been a month ago. Did the experience make a difference? Was it worth a long bus ride?

The annual SEEK Conference was held in Salt Lake City, Utah. (Picture above puts you in the scene. It was a great adventure and a true pilgrimage that consisted of a 27-hour bus ride.  We first met our bus in Appleton and then our bus met up with the three other buses that left from various starting points in upper and lower Michigan.  We all rendezvoused in Iowa where we were able to participate in a special vigil mass for the Solemnity of the Mother of God arranged by Fr. Ben Hasse, pastor of St. Albert the Great Parish, Houghton, MI. (You’ll want to follow this link and see current action on their Ice Chapel at this time of year.) Father gave a great homily where he touched on the faith of our Blessed Mother and recalled the annunciation. This was the perfect start to our pilgrimage, to let Mary be our guide and leap towards Christ in trust.

It was a blessing to attend SEEK for the third time. I have come to learn to stay open and ready and watchful for the promptings of the Holy Spirit throughout the journey to and from and during the SEEK conference.  One of my favorite moments of SEEK are when I find myself alone, whether it be on my way to the adoration chapel or processing through to the next breakout session, you just never know who will approach you or what encounters you may have.  I met one Religious Sister of whom asked for my prayers for a member of her family who has left the church.  She too was open to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and saw my name badge as I exited the adoration chapel and asked for special prayers for her blood sister also named Michelle Marie who lives in the Green Bay diocese.  Another encounter with Sr. Maria Christi was over a meal where we shared our vocation stories and our many similarities. She gave me great advice on how to live in community as a Religious and a nurse. 

The energy of 17,500 students all seeking relationship and thirsting for Christ in their own hearts is invigorating and inspiring. Something special happened at seek during mass when the hundreds of priests were processing right passed me lined up four-across walking fast enough to create a small breeze.  I was overcome with joy as a spouse of Christ thinking that every single one of the priests had dedicated themselves to the service of my beloved’s church. I was sharing in the joy of Christ to see all of these men who belonged to each their own individual parish.  What a vantage point to experience SEEK in this way as I prepare to profess vows and fully give myself to Christ.


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