7 young women responded to the Lord’s invitation to come to Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Vocation Discernment Retreat, May 17-19, 2013. Indeed, this retreat stands a stark contrast to the violent winds, tongues of fire, words spoken in different languages at the first coming of the Holy Spirit of the Apostles. Guests were open to a deeper, inner experience of Pentecost.
How did this retreat transform lives?
What better way to answer that question than to find out from these recent retreatants Here’s what they had to say:
- This retreat opened my eyes to the true joy, peace and love that comes with the life of a Sister. I was in much need of these in my own life and so it has made me even more open to discernment.
- I think the Holy Spirit truly moved through us this weekend and can’t wait to see where we are all led next.
- I always find myself here when life is changing and I was reminded to trust in God and let Him make me peaceful on this journey.
All young women had experiences of meeting our Sisters before the weekend. Some had our Sisters as teachers or knew our Community through our Sisters serving in their parish.Reflections reveal the prayerfulness of the young women.
- It gave me time to collect myself after a long school year and help get my mind into the coming summer and what I can do better.
- This retreat gave me peace and refreshed my life.
- It has given me a lot to think about in my future, but also has given my clarity. I think I’m being called to live more simply.
- I think this retreat has given me some much needed time to ask for the Holy Spirit and listen to the Lord in a deeper way.
Wondering if you are called to be a Franciscan Sister?
Here’s a few practical tidbits:
We invite you to page further through our website, pray with us the daily Eucharist Scripture readings to know God’s direction in your life and fill out our on-line inquiry form.
Watch for more helpful Vocation Retreat discernment notes on our Franciscan Retreat Blog.
Like ‘Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity’ on facebook or find us on other social media e.g. twitter, linkedin.
Lastly, the world needs you. God calls you. We invite you… to a future Franciscan Discernment Retreat slated for July 14-16, 2013. More 2013-2014 dates will be posted in July.
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