God answers real needs. We invite you to read an article that appeared in The Steubenville Register, publication of the Diocese of Steubenville, OH, on Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Theresa Feldcamp. God is calling young women to respond to a call as a Franciscan Sister and as educational leader. Is He calling you? We invite you to contact us.
CAMBRIDGE — Two years after she helped her community celebrate 100 years of Catholic education in Guernsey County, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Sister Theresa Feldkamp is leaving St. Benedict School to become a councilor for her religious order.
Just prior to her late July departure from Cambridge, the principal of St. Benedict School-supported by Christ Our Light Parish-paused from her cleaning, sorting and straightening. She shared with the Register her reluctance in leaving the kindergarten through eighth-grade students and their families, but also her anticipation in returning to the motherhouse in Manitowoc, WI.
Sister Theresa is the last religious administrator in parochial elementary junior high and high schools in the Diocese of Steubenville, Paul D. Ward, director, diocesan Office of Christian Formation and Schools, lamented. Click here to read more.