Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Mary Beth Kornely reports on a recent summer Order of Franciscan Seculars retreat in which our Sister Annette Kurey and Father Jerome Wolbert OFM, PSA shared in providing spiritual input.
A recent summer weekend provided an opportunity for the Order of Franciscan Seculars to retreat to meet, listen, share, reflect, pray and grow in the Franciscan Spirituality of the order. Fr. Jerome Wolbert, OFM, PSA from Pennsylvania joined Sr. Annette Kurey in providing the framework and reflections of the weekend for the 15 members which began with a gathering on Friday evening.
Saturday provided time for breakfast, morning prayer, talks, quiet time for praying, journaling and reflecting, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, sharing and Mass. A simple lunch consisting of water and fruit and eaten in a spirit of quiet which pervaded the whole day, gave nourishment to body and soul. The day ended with a festive catered dinner with the Franciscan Sisters and Friars at Greenwood joining them in the close of the day.
They gathered once more on Sunday morning for the Sunday liturgy before closing their time with their regular monthly gathering. When you talk with any of the retreatants, you get a big smile and the look in their eyes says it all – it truly was a blessed time for them. St. Francis was present to them throughout this special time.
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Are you called to become another Christ, as St. Francis and St. Clare were in their day? We invite you.