On the Feast of the Epiphany, Franciscan Sisters of Christian celebrate the gift of a new postulant. Here is a starter list of reasons why the day was so fitting for Sarah’s reception of the Insignia of St. Francis (symbol of the hand of Jesus and St. Francis forming a TAU cross).
- Epiphany Morning Prayer Antiphon
“Today the Bridegroom claims his bride the Church, since Christ has washed her sins away in the Jordan’s waters; the Magi hasten with their gifts to the royal wedding; and the wedding guests rejoice, for Christ has changed water into wine.”
The whole Church and every Christian, each in our own way, are called to be a sign of the coming Kingdom and to witness to the incarnational presence of the Word in the world. (Sounds like Lumen Gentium?!) Consecrated life is one way to live a life manifesting the reality of the Kingdom to come and the Kingdom already present in the Church. The Feast of the Epiphany is a great day to take a step closer in following what one believes is God’s call for one’s life here and now.
- Francis and Incarnation
St. Francis was deeply moved because of God’s limitless love and total self-emptying in the birth of Christ. He was inspired to keep the Christmas Season alive in an extraordinary way by encouraging depictions of the nativity.
That a ‘beginner Franciscan’ would be invited to journey further into the Gospel life at this time seems quite right. This painting by our own Sister Victoria shows St. Francis following the star. Picture Sarah next to the poor man of Assisi. Sarah is also following the star-JESUS!
- Epiphany celebrates a REVELATION
Epiphany throughout the centuries celebrated four different events: the Baptism of the Lord; Christ’s first miracle, the changing of water into wine at the wedding in Cana; the Nativity of Christ; and the visitation of the Wise Men or Magi. Each of these is a powerful revelation of God to us.
Today we celebrate the fact that Sarah, other young women and all of us continue to have our own revelations from God. As a Franciscan community we promise support to our Franciscan Postulant in her continued searchings to do God’s will. If you are a young woman desiring to live a Gospel life, consider inviting us to journey with you.
Meanwhile, enjoy a few more pictures from today’s ceremony.
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- Please feel free to add your own reasons and greetings to Sarah…