During this Year of Consecrated Life, Franciscan Sister June Smith shares her thoughts on Consecrated Life.
As consecrated religious, we are unique gifts to the Church. The Church’s mission is to proclaim the Good News, set captives free, and give sight to the blind. We carry out the Church’s mission by living the vows of poverty (our treasure is God), chastity (our heart is undivided), and obedience (our will is God’s will).
As Sisters we have the opportunity to make an annual five-day retreat. Every year we receive an assignment and through that obedience, we challenge ourselves to walk in the steps of Christ. Our habit is also a sign of our consecration.
The most important part of our day is being present at the Eucharist. At the Eucharist we receive the strength and energy to live out our consecrated lives. Our consecrated life is one continuous conversion into being Christ to one another and to the world. Our Franciscan community meets once a month to renew our goals set out at the beginning of the year.
Consider our next Franciscan Sister Vocation Discernment Retreat. Click here.